Environmental Insights

A Poolscape Design for a Backyard Oasis

Posted by Tim Lake on Jun 14, 2022 10:43:00 AM

While most people install a pool with the intent to spend time in the water, the environment that surrounds the pool is just as important. With professional landscaping design and installation, this space can become a favorite family oasis.

This client called us to take their new pool project to the next level!

Our Landscape Designer Robert Arrington found that the reason the family trusted T. Lake with this project was simple. “They viewed us as a professional company rather than just people who cut grass,” he says.

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Topics: Landscape Construction, Landscape Design

Landscape Architects in Georgia: Your FAQs Answered

Posted by Tim Lake on Sep 13, 2021 6:43:08 PM

If you’ve ever been involved with a property or site renovation then the chances are you’ve come across a landscape architect. Landscape architects are the people behind virtually every outdoor space in the human world, from urban parks and town squares to industrial sites and residential complexes. Good landscape architecture strengthens not only the people and communities that occupy the space but the natural ecosystem too. 

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Topics: Landscape Architecture, Landscape Design

Residential Landscape Design Services in Dublin GA

Posted by Tim Lake on Aug 6, 2021 3:23:20 PM

If you’ve spent one too many hours scouring the internet for “landscaping services near me” then it’s time to stop scrolling and start enjoying your dream residential landscape. It can be difficult to decide whether you should hire a landscape designer for your residential project, especially if this is your first time using this type of service. Questions like “when should a landscape architect be used?” and “how do I choose a landscape designer” are common, especially for residential property owners in Dublin ga. 

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Topics: Landscape Design

Bridging the Gap: How Environmental Design is Transforming our Outdoor Spaces

Posted by Tim Lake on Oct 29, 2020 3:44:08 PM

When you picture the perfect outdoor space, what do you see? Greenery? Flowers? Shaded areas? Perhaps a bubbling boulder, or a small pond? Each of us has different ideas about what makes a space great, but the chances are, they will all share one thing in common: life

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Topics: Water Management, Environmental Services, Landscape Design

Plan An Autumn Escape for Your Georgia Landscape

Posted by Tim Lake on Oct 1, 2020 4:06:09 PM

Wow, this year has been crazy, hasn’t it? 2020 has seen a global pandemic, mass protests, political bitterness, and wildfires. Add to that the fact that this year has an election coming up and things definitely seem a bit chaotic.

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Topics: Landscape Design

Residential Hardscape Case Study: A Georgia Backyard Makeover

Posted by Tim Lake on May 6, 2020 2:48:18 PM

In any landscape, sooner or later there comes a time when, well...it’s just time. Time to rip it all out and start over. Whether it’s your grandmother’s half-dead crepe myrtle, the driveway with the lush crop of crabgrass pushing up through the cracks, or that redwood deck that looked so hip in 1988, you kind of just know by looking at it that “the time” has come.

This was the state of things for Mr. and Mrs. Collins’ backyard last year about this time. The following case study chronicles the transformation of said backyard from shabby to spectacular through a full-scale residential hardscape project.
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Topics: Portfolio, Landscape Construction, Landscape Architecture, Landscape Design

Picturing It Perfect: A Case Study In 3D Drone Visualization in Residential Landscape Design

Posted by Tim Lake on Jun 25, 2019 9:03:00 AM

Recently, we were contacted by a nice couple who owns a property in Glenwood, a tiny rural town in south-central Georgia. It had a lovely view of a beautiful pond. They’d owned the home for a while, but now that they were both retired, they were ready to turn it into the home of their dreams.

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Topics: Landscape Construction, Landscape Architecture, Landscape Design

Make Your Yard a Staycation Destination

Posted by Tim Lake on Mar 26, 2019 8:33:00 AM

Got a call recently from some friends who had just returned from a trip to Spain. While there, they fell in love with the simple but formal European garden look – the sculpted topiaries, pollards, and tasteful incorporation of architectural elements in the landscape. Could we recreate something like that for them?

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Topics: Landscape Design

Drone Aided Design: A New And Exciting Concept In Landscaping

Posted by Tim Lake on Feb 26, 2019 5:38:31 PM

Every once in a blue moon, a technology comes along that radically changes the way we do things. The advent of computer aided design (CAD) in the 1960’s heralded an incredible explosion in capabilities in all areas of design. Landscape design is, of course, no exception, but it does present certain challenges.

Unlike many other types of design, which can be executed in a purely conceptual manner, in landscape design we have to work with existing terrain. This means that proper assessment and surveying of the site is critical – not an easy task given the scale and accessibility issues involved.

If you have any background in IT, you know that that no matter how sophisticated the programming or talented the programmer, the quality of input data is critical to outcome. This applies to CAD as well. That’s why we are over-the-top excited to put our new Phantom 4 landscape drone to work on landscape design projects.

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Topics: Landscape Design

Why Our Landscape Drone Will Steal Homeowners’ Hearts

Posted by Tim Lake on Feb 14, 2019 3:08:16 PM

Happy Valentine’s! If you’ve been following our blog lately, you’ve probably already taken note of our love affair with our new DJI Phantom 4 Pro V2.0 quadcopter landscape drone. In fact, we’ve become rather infatuated with it. Not because drones are cool (which they are), but also because of the sheer multitude of ways our drone saves time, saves money, and generally makes life and landscaping a lot easier both for us and our commercial landscape  construction and landscape maintenance clients.

“But wait!”  I hear you say. “That’s all very well for massive commercial projects. But what about your residential customers?”

Well, if you’re thinking of upgrading your residential landscape this spring or summer, there’s plenty of love in the air for you, too.

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Topics: Landscape Design