A commercial landscape should look beautiful and inviting. However its benefits go deeper than mere aesthetics. A well-designed commercial landscape also offers many benefits related to safety and security, cost control, sustainability, compliance with government regulations, and other areas.
In the same way, a good commercial landscape provider is one whose expertise encompasses far more than simply the ability to create an aesthetically pleasing landscape. When choosing a commercial landscaper to work with, it pays to look deeper into the company in question and find out what else they’re made of.
If you are a commercial landscape developer, here are a few reasons to consider working with T.Lake:
We Know Our Way Around The Regulatory Landscape.
You don’t do commercial landscaping work for a quarter century without learning what needs to be done and who can help make it all happen. We are intimately familiar with landscape-related regulations in Georgia and neighboring states. We’re also highly networked. Often in an odd situation all it takes is that one pivotal person or specialty vendor who can provide the expertise needed to facilitate moving forward with the job. And not just moving forward, but happening quickly—because we know time is money.
We Understand Landscaping For ROI.
As a commercial real estate developer, you’ve got to keep the bottom line in sight. We realize that. The landscapes we deliver aren't just landscape for the sake of landscaping. It’s about achieving the intended purpose. Whether that is to draw in retail customers, wow and delight residential customers, stop erosion on an industrial site, environmental mitigation, or whatever purpose you may have, we are willing and able to design landscape solutions to meet both your goals and your budget, now and throughout the life cycle of the landscape.
One of the most important ways to create landscapes that deliver ROI is to avoid making bad decisions in the first place. For example, consider a common scenario: crepe myrtles planted within 4 feet of a building face. This creates a real (and costly) maintenance headache, with roots growing into the mortar and constantly having to be trimmed. Rather than blindly choosing popular options with no regard for consequence, our approach is to help the client choose the right plants—or even, in some cases, no plants—for the scale, size and intent of the project.
Again, we can help contractors avoid bad decisions because we do know the landscape. Our experience with permitting, design, and construction and grounds management uniquely qualifies us to help developers avoid pitfalls and bad decisions that can eat away at your ROI.
We Think Ahead In The Landscape.
Landscaping for ROI requires a long term outlook. You’ve got to consider the costs vs. benefits not just for the immediate future, but for years down the road. We’ve been at this nearly 30 years, and have seen things go through long term life cycles. We understand what works and what doesn’t in our area—as well as what works now but might prove costly in the long term .
Let’s consider the example of selecting species for a commercial lawn site. Which turfgrass do you use? How much water will it need? It may be doable today, but how will it work in the event of an economic downturn?
Here’s another example: we were recently called to work on a large site where another contractor had planted river birches over 20 years ago. The river birch is a beautiful tree, but we would never have recommended that tree for this particular location. Why? Because it does poorly in the heat islands of large parking lots. These things were constantly dropping tiny limbs and leaves 10 months out of year. And after 20 years they just simply couldn’t take it anymore and they started dying out. And now they have to be removed and replaced with something else at $500 a pop.
We Can Help You Avoid Litigation.
There’s nothing like a lawsuit to turn your ROI upside down in a hurry. Poor commercial landscaping decisions can and do lead to liability issues. We can help you proactively avoid safety and security problems in your commercial landscape.
We Can Help Your Properties Function Better.
What is your goal? A quick flip? An increase in retail traffic? A pragmatic and functional warehouse landscape? Just meeting minimal code? We understand how to design a landscape that meets each customer’s needs, and are willing to tailor the landscape to suit.
The right landscape can significantly improve a property and the way people relate to the site. Perhaps your goal is to magnetize people in to your location. The right landscape design will be both eye-catching and psychologically pleasing. It can even help employees and customers feel it’s a place that cares.
This is hard to quantify in dollars but it does have an impact. For example, there is an establishment near where I live that has a number of entry points. It’s really hard to tell by looking at it which one you’re supposed to go to if you’re a visitor. Most people turn into the truck /delivery entrance because it's more visible. A few simple changes to the landscape could make the visitors’ entrance impossible to mistake. Remember that most buying decisions are based largely on emotion and relationship. Imagine the impact it could have for this business over time to have its customers entering the location feeling welcomed instead of confused and embarrassed.
Your Central Georgia Commercial Landscaper
With two certified industrial mega-sites and easy access to the Port of Savannah and other major metropolitan areas, Central Georgia is growing to be one of the best areas of the country to do business.
We are willing and able to work with you to help you make the grounds of your Georgia commercial property an asset, not a liability. To learn more, call us at 478-750-7733 (Macon), or 478-272-3878 (East Dublin.) Or, contact us here and we’ll be in touch with you soon.