T. Lake's Complete Summer Landscape Maintenance Checklist For Homeowners

There are a few certainties when it comes to summer: Pools are packed, school traffic is gone and your yard is in need of maintenance.

In regard to your yard, area homeowners often ask us where they should start with their landscape and what are the most important activities to keep their landscapes looking its best.

Since this is a frequently asked question, here are the top seven things you should be doing with your landscape maintenance this summer.

1 — Give Your Irrigation System a Tune Up

Keeping your landscape well watered is especially critical during the hot, dry summer months.

Keeping your landscape well watered is especially critical during the hot, dry summer months — putting this activity at the top of your maintenance checklist. And you can do that by giving your irrigation system a tune up.

Start by making sure each zone in the system comes on and that the controller is working correctly. You’ll also need to check the watering schedule and adjust it if needed.

Your system’s heads can also get clogged or damaged during the cooler months, so you’ll need to replace or repair those to ensure everything works properly.

2 — Add Mulch

Another way to keep your landscape hydrated is by adding a layer of mulch to plant beds. Mulch helps hold in moisture for plants and also suppresses weeds from growing.

Plus, a new layer of mulch can enhance your landscape and add some curb appeal.

3 — Give Trees and Shrubs a Good Pruning

Lightly pruning your trees and shrubs properly in early summer can keep them healthy and growing all season.

For many homeowners, pruning can be perplexing and even a bit of a gamble. However lightly pruning your trees and shrubs properly in early summer can keep them healthy and growing all season.

This is the time of year when you’ll see fast growth, so it’s important to keep up with it. You can also apply a growth regulator to keep your foliage in line.

4 — Apply Fertilizer

A lot of people make the mistake of applying fertilizer in early spring, but the best time is actually during the summer. You want to wait until the trees and shrubs have greened up. June is the perfect time to apply fertilizer to your landscape.

You can also use organic fertilizer to increase the healthy soil microbes and make your lawn healthier.

5 — Scout for Pests and Diseases

You aren’t the only one who wants to enjoy your yard this summer: Pests and diseases can also make their way to your property.

Look on the back of leaves to see if you see insects, and watch for any yellowing on plants or grass. Some pests to watch for include chinch bugs and mole crickets. Fungal diseases can especially be an issue with turf during the warm season.

6 — Raise Your Mower Deck

To avoid stressing your turf during the warmer months, so raise the mowing height during the summer.

You don’t want to stress your turf during the warmer months, so raise the mowing height during the summer. Cutting your grass too short will not only hurt your lawn, but it can also attract pests and diseases.

7 — Help Soil Breathe with Aeration

The soil and turf on your landscape can get compacted from people walking on it and natural elements. Your lawn needs oxygen to grow and thrive, and aeration can help with that.

An aerator will poke small holes in your lawn that will allow water, oxygen and other nutrients to better reach the turf’s roots. This is a good activity to perform annually on your lawn.

Take Back Your Landscape and Weekends

If you’d rather enjoy your summer than spend it working on your yard, turn the maintenance over to an experienced landscaping company.

Our landscape maintenance team at T. Lake will keep your lawn healthy and looking its best with our full list of maintenance services. We’ll create a personalized plan to meet your landscape’s need year round.

When you’re ready to have a pristine lawn without spending all of your weekends working on it, fill out a contact form. You can also call our East Dublin office at 478-272-3878 or Macon office at 478-750-7733.


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